Friday, December 11, 2009

A New Beginning

808 days ago, I had made my my last blog entry. It was a crossword sprinkled with keywords dedicated to my undergrad days. It has been a long time and I have moved on since then. Now at a different place, with new friends, different tasks and new perspectives. Nevertheless, when I scan through my old blogs, reminiscences of those beautiful-yet-not-so-innocent days flash across my mind.

Time was not a luxury then. We had truck-loads of it - be it for the movie-every-night, football-every-evening, catnap-every-afternoon or breakfast-every-morning. And that was not it. There was even more time for cycling around the beaches shoring Trivandrum, playing pranks on crushe(s), gorging mouthwatering uzhunnu vadas in heavily subsidized canteens of space organizations, rambling away on nonsensical themes with sensible philosopher friends, playing AOE for 3 hours pre-midnight and CS for 3 hours post-midnight - rest assured all the time that waking up well into the first hour of hydraulics lecture at 9 AM wouldn't do much harm as long as you paid your dues in Lemon Sodas & Parippu Vadas to the proficient-proxy-professionals.

And like all good things, those days too faded away. Armed with an engineering degree and disarmed of leisure, love and luck, I walked into a firm located a thousand miles away from home barely a month after graduation. Unlucky I was of not being posted at the firm's Bangalore office initially - I missed my family, my fulsome-fish-food and friends - half of them who were posted in the 'party city'. Leisure was unknown, especially in my first year into the job, working hard to cover up for missed-but-must-know concepts of engineering professed but not pondered upon. That was the slog period. Eventually, things brightened up, I loved my work. Naval Architecture fascinated me. To design ships of steel that sailed seamlessly across the seas were as much an art as science. Fairing the lines of her hull to sail with the least resistance & adequate stability, sizing her girders & stiffeners for strength, engineering her machinery & propulsion systems was all what I loved to do. It was so intense, involving and beautiful. And in between I got my stint in Bangalore too :) Everything was going nice. But I terribly missed my blog. My pals used to pen their thoughts once in a while, to some of which I commented. But that was it. My penchant to write was never addressed, thoughts were suppressed, feelings bottled up. And then, I took a break - for good.

Quit my job and joined a b-school in the 'City of Nawabs'. It is nice to be back to school. The lush green campus, evening football games, the insti-parties flooded with drinks, the rock band, the midnight noodles and the beautiful girls - not a bad trade-off :)

And here is where I resume my lost thread. I thought I would start it as a new blog. Hope you, my friends, will enjoy it. So long...


  1. Expecting the next installment to pick up from midnight noodles with beautiful girls....

    (Eagerly awaiting the non-vegetarian delights of a well cooked fast-food!)


  2. " Fairing the lines of her hull to sail with the least resistance & adequate stability, sizing her girders & stiffeners for strength, engineering her machinery & propulsion systems was all what I loved to do. " Well well..nice way to camouflage your feelings..and what crafty use of metaphors!!

  3. Life is a learning stage Joshin and the basic law of learning is to unlearn the past and move into the unrealized horizons of future world!!! Awesome post to start man.....Armed with a cause and disarmed with coming end terms..he he......Next is what?

  4. Now, this is one comeback !
    Great re entry dude !!

    Rock on..

  5. "My penchant to write was never addressed" - hmm... that has to be adressed in a grand way... let's see... won't be long :)

  6. You can actually write!! At last some good use to the education you have received.

  7. Great read..specially the college and ship part of it...Hope we'll get to read more interesting posts soon.....Hmm nee ithrayumm midukkanannennu vichaarichilla--hahah--jk

  8. Hey...that was a really nice one..u seemed to have touched up on a lot of ur experiences and interests in a very concise keep writing..looking forward to see more posts from u :)

  9. Buona fortuna for your New Beginning...

    Awaiting your nxt blog...

  10. Nice one dude!!njoyed it!keep up the good work....

  11. Keep it coming Josh. Nice writing - smooth and effortless, but carrying enormous weight like one of the ships you designed :)
